‘Wheel of Fortune’ viewer, disappointed by the 40,000 dollar price from Bonus Round

‘Wheel of Fortune’ viewer, disappointed by the 40,000 dollar price from Bonus Round

You would think Happiness wheel The spectators are ready for larger and better prices in the long -term game show.

In the episode broadcast on Friday (January 31), Cindy Valenzuela from Merced, California, was the youngest season of the 42nd season, who won the low-end bonus round award.

The category for your puzzle was “phrase” and after the Gimme letters – R, S, T, L, N and E – and the selected letters – M, C, D and A – The puzzle table looked like this: _ _ _ _ N _ l _ _ n _ e _.

Cindy suspected the answer almost immediately: hidden in a clear view.

Host Ryan Seacrest opened the price envelope with a flourishing and unveiled that Cindy won $ 40,000. Cindy screamed with joy and hugged her friends Stephanie and Edith, who cheered them on when they took home a total price package worth 60,400 US dollars.

But judging by YouTube comments, the spectators were less enthusiastic.

“When I saw Ryan hiding the price from the envelope, I thought he would surprise you and the audience with $ 100,000!” One person wrote.

“How many 40,000 dollars envelopes are there in the bonus round? I see another win of 40,000 US dollars, ”commented someone else.

Another fan found that the 42 in the 42nd season did not have a million USD, 70,000 US dollars or $ 75,000.

“I was certainly thought (Seacrest) would reveal the 100,000 US dollars and there were only $ 40,000,” wrote a fourth commentator. “Nevertheless, a great solution and great effort. Good job! “

Happiness wheel Statistics that were shared by Game Show show that the review of Andy Nguyen shows that from week 20 a 40 dollar price was 61 times. A car price had now only appeared eleven times, a price of 50,000 US dollars had occurred ten times, a price of $ 70,000 The price had performed three times.

After the episode of the game show on January 30, the audience also complained about the 40,000 dollar price.

“What is the meaning of the bonus wheel if it always ends up at $ 40,000?” One person wrote at the time. “Well, ok, maybe not always, but it feels like it is consistently landed by $ 40,000.”

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